The idea of creating an online manual on intercultural understanding, ethics and human rights to be used by teachers and students in journalism education is the result of a long-term partnership between departments of journalism education at universities in Norway, Russia and Sweden, and the Human Rights Academy, a Norwegian non-governmental organization.
The background for establishing this partnership was the acknowledgment of the need for a better understanding of human rights, multicultural society and each other’s societies among journalism students in Norway, Russia and Sweden. The following universities have been project partners: Volda University College, Norway; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia (until 2014); Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; Södertörn University College, Sweden (until 2015); Saint Petersburg State University, Russia and Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway.
Numerous courses, workshops and study trips
Since 2008, the partners have organized numerous five-day courses and three-day workshops in human rights and multicultural understanding for Russian, Norwegian and Swedish journalism students. Study trips to each other’s countries have also been arranged. Students and teachers have visited partner universities, newsrooms and other relevant actors. Other activities under the project have been student exchange programmes, professors’ participation at partner conferences and academic research initiatives between the universities.
Cooperation agreements between universities
As a result of the project’s activities, agreements for cooperation have been developed between several of the Norwegian and Russian universities. The project has benefitted the institutions in several ways. The university representatives have gained knowledge about each other's higher-education systems in general and journalism education in particular. The students and professors have increased their knowledge of each other’s countries and cultures, and also raised their awareness and knowledge of the portrayal of minorities in journalism and international human rights. The university’s academic staff has received inspiration for new areas of research. All in all, the cooperation has been very fruitful and can be used as an inspiration for other universities to establish projects and activities across borders.
Authors of this manual are:
- Balmaeva, Svetlana, Associate Professor, Head of Journalism Departement, The Liberal Arts University, Ekaterinburg (Russia)
- Bjørnsen, Gunn, Head of Department, Department of International Studies and Interpreting, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Norway)
- Brurås, Svein, Professor, Faculty of Media and Journalism, Volda University College (Norway)
- Eide, Elisabeth, Professor, Faculty of Media and Journalism, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Norway)
- Gromova, Tamara, Lecturer, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
- Hjorth, Lillian, Director, Human Rights Academy (Norway)
- Khoroltseva, Evgenyia, Project Manager, Human Rights Academy (Russia/Norway)
- Knudsen, Anders Graver, PhD, Faculty of Media and Journalism, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Norway)
- Langmyr, Marit, Project Manager, Human Rights Academy (Norway)
- Savinova, Olga, Professor and Head of Department, Department of Journalism, Lobachevsky State University in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)
- Smolyarova, Anna, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University (Russia)