- The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
- Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 30 June 2016
- Oppressed majority (Majorité Opprimée), by Eleonore Pourriat. On what seems to be just another ordinary day, a man is exposed to
sexism and sexual violence in a society ruled by women... (10 minutes)
- Основы воздействия СМИ.: Пер. С англ. – М.: Издательский дом «Вильямс», 2004. – 432 с.: ил. – Парал.тит.англ.
- Canonical texts in media research: are there any? Should be there? How about these? 2003 / edited by Elihu Katz…[et al.] – 266 p.